SecureIt™ Tamper-Evident Labels

By sealing the tops of to-go containers and bags, SecureIt™ tamper-evident labels provide your customers extra peace of mind when they order takeout and delivery.

custom labels for contract foodservice products

Thanks to their aggressive adhesive, SecureIt labels adhere to a variety of packaging materials, including paper, plastic, foil, and cardboard.

NCCO also offers SecureIt labels that can be customized with your logo, fonts, colors, and more. This extra touch elevates your brand and brings it to life.

You can purchase labels through a preferred foodservice distributor or by clicking “Buy Now” below.

SecureIt Sample Sheet

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A simple safety solution for providing extra peace of mind


Custom SecureIt Labels

Request a free custom quote today. No sticky residue attached.

Dcg Labels Tamper Evident

NCCO also offers SecureIt labels for the DateCodeGenie®.


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