There are many different styles of GuestChecks available from National Checking Company. From carbonless, sequential numbering, order boxes, server position, menu prompts, number of lines and more – it may be tricky to pick a style that best suits your operation.
The Guest Check style guide below helps clarify any questions and details the different options you have when choosing a Guest Check. Questions? Feel free to call our customer service department at 1-800-328-6508.
Understanding Single & Duplicate Part Checks
Single part checks are checks with only one part – writing is not duplicated onto multiple sheets.
Paper: Made with durable, light-weight paper
Board: Made with durable, heavier-stock paper
Multiple part checks are checks with two or three parts – writing is duplicated onto multiple sheets with carbon insert, carbon backing or carbonless capsule coating.
Carbon: Carbon insert sheet is placed between copies
Carbon Backed: Back of the top copy is carbon-coated
Carbonless: Sheets are capsule-coated to produce multiple copies – no carbon used for duplication
Check Style Basics
Regardless of size and number of parts, all checks have common components and SKU-specific variable features:
Common components:
- Feature: Sequential Numbering
Key Benefit: Unique numbering helps servers and managers organize orders - Feature: Order Data Boxes
Key Benefit: Servers can record important table data for future reference - Feature: Menu Prompt
Key Benefit: Encourages servers to up-sell the entire menu - Feature: Horizontally Lined
Key Benefit: There is the perfect GuestCheck for any restaurant situation with checks having anywhere from 8-22 lines
Variable features:
- Feature: Pivot Points
Key Benefit: Simple reference for servers to distribute food and beverages easily - Feature: Perforated Receipt
Key Benefit: Perforated tear-off receipts can be given to customers for their personal record - Feature: Beverage Lines
Key Benefit: Printed on the reverse side of the board checks, beverage lines help servers keep track of even the most complex food and drink orders