The Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that nearly 1 in 6 Americans become ill each year due to foodborne illness.
Our global approach to food production has given the food industry a whole new set of opportunities, but with that has come a whole new set of concerns. Food safety is critical for the economic success of the food industry but also for the consumers as well. How do you ensure food safety in an industry that continues to grow, change, and adapt?
Here are a few food safety tips that are as universal as the joy gleaned from a quality meal:
Make Food Safety a Priority:
If you set out with the intention of making food safety your main goal, you won’t have to worry about backtracking after a problem already arises. If your food safety standards are clearly defined right from the start, there can be no question about its importance. If you already have policies in place, as new pathogens and illnesses begin to show up, you’re less likely to be caught off guard.
Stay Vigilant:
Make sure you’re getting your food from safe sources. Food safety has to start at the production level. The reality is that not all production safety risks are easy to spot. However, that doesn’t really matter when someone gets sick from food served at your restaurant. Be aware of where the food is coming from, make sure food is stored and transported properly, and make sure you’re handling it properly once it gets to you.
Use the Right Tools:
There are a lot of factors that go into running a successful restaurant, especially when it comes to food safety. Luckily, you don’t have to figure it all out by yourself. Food safety labels help keep the kitchen organized and everyone on the same page with food storage and rotation. You can also ensure safety by using the best tool for order taking. Our GuestChecks ensure order efficiency and make it easy record orders accurately.